If any Ganado sees you and is able to call out to the group, an alarm will sound. Not the quiet kind, mind you, but the kind where you remain out of sight from the Ganado here.

It’s important to note that this area in particular can be circumvented with the right kind of stealth.

This next area takes places in a narrow canyon on high alert, and is full of defensive walls and limited visibility the further you move in. See the Canyon Map above for Item locations, traps, breakable barrels, Treasures, and more!.After leaving the building behind, check along the left of the path to find another File - Tighten the Defenses to learn about what’s ahead. Repair your Combat Knife, and grab the File - Merchant Tip: Midnight Stroll (and maybe craft a Flash Grenade if you used them all up). If you’re low on ammo, you should probably invest in the Gunpowder if you have spare Spinel, and consider the Red9 Stock only if you opted for that handgun. The Riot Gun is a semi-automatic shotgun, and is a more precise shot than the W-870, with higher top end damage, ammo capacity, and rate of fire, but slower to load and lacks the open spread to hit multiple targets easily. The Merchant only has a few new items for this chapter, but they’re worth looking into: